The Chinese automotive industry has undergone a remarkable development in recent decades. From a largely state-run and technologically backward industry, it has transformed into a global heavyweight that is now not only the world’s largest auto market, but also plays a leading role in innovation and vehicle production. This transformation has been driven by a combination of government support, foreign investment and an increasing focus on research and development. Today, China is at the forefront of electromobility and autonomous driving technologies, shaping the industry worldwide.
However, this success is not without its challenges. The Chinese automotive industry is undergoing a profound transformation, influenced by technological disruption, shifting consumer preferences, and global pressure to decarbonize. The government has set ambitious emission reduction targets, compelling manufacturers to prioritize electric vehicles and alternative drive technologies. Simultaneously, digitalization is revolutionizing the way vehicles are designed, produced, and utilized. In this presentation, we will explore the key factors driving this transformation and examine its implications for the global automotive industry.
In the online webinars, participants will gain comprehensive insights into the transformation of the Chinese automotive industry, including its historical development, current trends, and the political and economic frameworks that have shaped these changes. You will understand how China has risen to the top of global automotive manufacturers through targeted investments in electric vehicles and digital technologies, as well as the challenges and opportunities associated with this progress. Additionally, participants will discuss evolving consumer needs and their impact on mobility concepts, enabling participants to develop a well-rounded understanding of the industry’s dynamics and the strategic approaches that will be crucial for the future of the automotive sector.
Anyone interested in the development of fuel cell vehicles in China. No previous knowledge is required.
The following topics will be discussed in this lecture series:
28.03.2025: Die chinesische Automobilindustrie im Wandel
29.04.2025: Herausforderungen des Autonomen Fahrens in China und die Auswirkungen auf die Infrastruktur der Mobilität
27.06.2025: Wasserstoffautos und Wasserstofftechnologien in China
18.09.2025: The Chinese automotive industry in transition
25.11.2025: Fuel Cell Vehicles and hydrogen technologies in China
An overview of the exact topics and dates can be found here:
This event is free.
The talks will take place online. You will receive a link to the online meeting in good time before the event.
Registration closes two days before the date of the event.
If you have any questions or problems with the registration,
please contact