On June 27-29, 18 consultants from skilled crafts organizations came together for a seminar at the L3S Research Center to talk with AI experts about application potentials of artificial intelligence in skilled crafts businesses. Specifically, the seminar focused on practical approaches, impulses for addressing entrepreneurs, and procedural models for the use of AI in the skilled crafts sector.

Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT may also play a larger role in craft businesses in the future. To show the possibilities, but also the limitations of ChatGPT, DAISEC AI expert Julian took our news article about the event and had it rewritten by the chatbot:

How do we identify potential applications of AI in skilled crafts businesses?

Between June 27 and 29, a significant meeting took place where 18 consultants from diverse skilled crafts organizations discussed how the framework conditions can support the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the skilled crafts sector. This seminar was led and organized by DAISEC with great commitment.

Various topics were covered during the seminar, including an insight into the current state of AI research - a topic that provided participants with an overview of the status quo in this field. Another focus was on developing competencies around AI to prepare participants to properly identify, evaluate and implement AI in their businesses

In an exciting series of stations, the participants were presented with various demonstrators to give them a concrete idea of the possible applications of AI. In addition to these practical insights, the social risks of AI, such as ethics, law and standardization, were also discussed.

An instructive role play enabled the participants to better recognize the various application areas of AI in companies. This interactive exercise emphasized the diverse uses of AI and highlighted its potential for small and medium-sized enterprises in the skilled trades sector.

The event was an important step towards a new era in which craft businesses can make the most of the benefits of AI.

The result is quite readable, even though we would tweak it in some places and add some missing information. However, in order to receive such a detailed contribution from ChatGPT in the first place, more is needed than the simple request to write a news article. Especially for very specific topics like an event text, the chatbot needs to be told in advance all the necessary details it should use in the text. To achieve an even better result, concrete instructions on how to use these details are also beneficial.

For our news article, Julian therefore wrote this prompt as a working instruction for ChatGPT to have the AI tool generate as accurate a text as possible:

I would like you to write me a blog post. The post should be about 200 words long. The title of the blog is, "How do we identify potential applications of AI in skilled crafts businesses?"
Here are points you should mention:

1. From June 27 to 29, 18 organizational advisors from skilled crafts organizations discussed which framework conditions support the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the skilled crafts sector.

2. the event was led and organized by DAISEC.

3. topics during the seminar were: "The current situation - AI in research", "Building competencies about AI (KomKl) - learning and experimentation space for the development of constructive, reflexive and preventive AI competence. ", "Recognizing, evaluating and introducing AI - criteria and aspects of work design", "Demonstrators - presentation for different operational application areas", "Social risks of AI (ethics, law, standardization,...)" and a role play in which the participants should learn what concrete use cases of AI are for small and medium-sized enterprises. The topics mentioned in point 3 should not be explicitly mentioned again in the same way.

Our conclusion: If generative AI tools like ChatGPT are given precise instructions and all the necessary details, they can be of great help in a wide variety of areas and take on various tasks. However, conscientious preparation and follow-up by humans is essential - because an algorithm can collect and merge information, but it cannot read minds.

And what about our event? In the seminar, we were able to lay the foundation for future-oriented business consulting with regard to the data economy together with the consultants from the skilled crafts organizations. An AI map of concrete applications in the trades should increase the interest of entrepreneurs and managers in potential analyses in the future.

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