Innovation needs qualified personnel. We therefore offer you a carefully curated portfolio of training courses, exchange formats and qualification opportunities in the fields of AI and cybersecurity. The courses will help you acquire practical skills and abilities that will support you in the implementation of digitalization and innovation projects. The main focus is on the production, mobility and skilled crafts sectors. Thanks to funding from the European Union, our offers are free of charge.

Thanks to funding from the European Union, our services are free of charge.

For individuals

Our practical training courses, or “in-depth trainings”, offer you the opportunity to engage with a specific topic from the fields of AI and cybersecurity.

You will acquire valuable skills for the implementation of technologies or the implementation of measures in your own company. Engage in a professional exchange with our experts, e.g. on the topics of AI in production, language models and reinforcement learning, and receive suggestions for implementation in your company.

Our boot camps are in-depth, hands-on trainings with multiple sessions that build on each other.

Through a high level of practical relevance and concrete application examples, you will gain skills for AI and cybersecurity implementation in your company or institution.

The Roundtable format is an interactive exchange format between practitioners and participants from companies and public sector institutions.

Get insights into real-world projects and discuss solution approaches in the group and use your new practice-based insights for the implementation of AI projects or cybersecurity measures in your company.

The series “Auf den Punkt gebracht” is the joint event format of DAISEC and the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hannover. Every other week, experts from DAISEC or the center give a keynote speech on a digitalization topic in a maximum of 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, you as a participant will have the opportunity for an exchange and discussion.

The aim of “ Auf den Punkt gebracht” is to provide you with in-depth knowledge in a short space of time and to clarify ambiguities and questions. The meetings always take place on Tuesdays from 10:00 to 10:30 am. You can register for the meetings free of charge via the websites of the respective lecturing partner.

For associations

Information on our training courses specifically for associations and their members will follow shortly.

Information on our training courses specifically for associations and their members will follow shortly.

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