Digitalization Manager (online)

With AI and Cybersecurity


In this qualification program, you will consolidate and expand your knowledge in the area of digitization and learn the prerequisites for the use of AI technologies as well as their possible applications in different areas of the company. know. To better protect your company against cyber attacks, you will also gain basic knowledge in IT security. Using digital tools, case studies, and exercises, you'll gain hands-on experience and learn how to use and apply digital tools and technologies securely in your company.

Through basic training courses and subsequent, individually selectable in-depth training courses, you receive a customized offer with up to 40 teaching hours, which is precisely tailored to your company. Each online appointment of the qualification program has a scope of 4 teaching hours.

Target group

Offer for entrepreneurs and executives

Program contents

Basic training

  • Digitization in companies (basic module in the practice center in presence)
  • Digital business processes
  • Business models in the digital environment
  • Fundamentals of data economics and applications of AI
  • Online marketing
  • Application-based cybersecurity

Variable training offers

  • Implementing and realizing energy efficiency
  • Sustainability: ecological assessment and implementation
  • Software Best Practices: Solution selection and implementation
  • Protection of business-relevant data
  • Creation of your individual digitalization plan
  • Digital learning content

Place a request

Contact us if you have any questions about our Digitization Manager program or if you would like to register for an individual training session. We will be happy to advise you on the training components that are right for you.

Contact person

Walter Pirk

Expert on craft-specific Requirements for Technology and Innovation Processes

The program content for the Digitization Manager is developed in cooperation with our partners Mittelstand Digital Centre Hanover, Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Handwerk and Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum  Lingen.Münster.Osnabrück .

Information and training series on AI (online)

Offer for cooperation partners, especially from the craft sector


Digital transformation and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) are advancing rapidly. The competitive advantages associated with this change should be secured not only by industrial companies and corporations, but also by small and medium-sized enterprises in particular. In small and medium-sized enterprises, there is often little practical experience with AI. It is therefore important to highlight the potential of AI applications on a sector-specific basis.

Target group

Offer for entrepreneurs and executives

Program contents

As part of the four-part "AI Information and Training Series", entrepreneurs acquire knowledge about the possible applications of AI technologies in their respective trades. Through the exchange with other companies and with our experts, you will get new impulses for your company development and receive industry-specific application examples. Each online session has a scope of 1.5 teaching hours. In the further course, there is the possibility to determine and pilot application fields of AI in your own company.

Place a request

Contact us if you have any questions about our AI information and training series or if you would like to book the training sessions.

Contact person

Walter Pirk

Expert on craft-specific Requirements for Technology and Innovation Processes

The program content for the AI Information and Training Series is developed in cooperation with our partner  Mittelstand Digital Centre Hanover .

Shaping transformation -
becoming a ChangeMaker

With optional IHK certification


In the ChangeMaker qualification program, you can develop your individual skills and learn how to drive change in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in a targeted manner.

At a time when digitalization is unavoidable and AI is becoming ever more present, our programme allows you to expand your skills in a targeted manner to make you fit for the workplace of tomorrow. You will be empowered to actively shape change processes, be it the introduction of new technologies or the conversion of corporate structures.

Our approach is practice-oriented: We put great emphasis on ensuring that you can directly apply the methods you learn and constantly improve your skills through continuous reflection and development. The ChangeMaker is based on scientific findings from work and organizational psychology. These have been carefully tested and adapted to the requirements of modern working environments. In this way, we prepare you to actively shape change in your company as a ChangeMaker.

Target group

  • SME employees working in product development or product development-related areas
  • SME employees with or without a management function
  • SME employees who are curious, enjoy practice-oriented learning and value communication and collaboration with colleagues

Program contents

The ChangeMaker offers you a practice-oriented qualification with optional IHK certification. Together, we want to expand your future skills and strengthen your ability to shape and manage your own work. To this end, you will develop your skills in various areas in a long-term and sustainable manner in an accompanying project in order to be able to proactively deal with changes in the world of work. With the skills you have learned, you will then be able to support colleagues as equals and create real added value through new working techniques in the company and in your own day-to-day work.

The program is carried out on a modular basis in five subject areas. We can adapt some of the key content areas to the needs of you or your company:

Module 1 - From Vision to Innovation: Using agile “design thinking” techniques, we work out your objectives and develop them creatively.

Module 2 - Shaping Change Processes: With the “Motivational Interviewing” method, you learn to promote motivation and learning processes and to recognize and resolve resistance.

Module 3 – Look and Feel: In keynote speeches and practical applications, you will apply the knowledge you have learned and experience the future technologies of the working world.

Module 4 – Agile Learning: In this module, we take an in-depth look at the topic of learning. How can learning succeed in the current world of work? How can artificial intelligence support this?

Module 5 – Sharing Success: Finally, we compile the project successes from the ChangeMaker, translate them into measures and thus ensure the sustainability of what you have learned.

Ihr Vorteil

  • ChangeMakers become the point of contact for managers and employees as well as the mouthpiece for various areas of work
  • ChangeMakers learn the importance and application of target group-oriented communication of change strategies and new technologies
  • ChangeMakers activate colleagues to support change
  • ChangeMakers motivate colleagues to learn continuously and act as a point of contact for learning and development strategies
  • ChangeMakers strengthen their own role as guides, mentors and multipliers


Participation in VeränderungsMacher takes place in organization-internal tandems in five content modules. The modules vary in length between one and two days (8 hours per day) and are supplemented by half transfer days (4 hours), resulting in a total duration of approx. 6 months with two to four weeks between the modules. We will discuss the dates with you in advance to ensure that everyone can take part in all modules.

The training will kick off in September 2024 in Braunschweig.
To participate in the ChangeMaker, you should find and work on an accompanying project (real work project with a duration of approx. 6 months) in addition to the qualification measure and apply the learning content of the ChangeMaker directly.

Kontakt und Anmeldung

Auf der offiziellen Webseite des VeränderungsMachers erhalten Sie weitere Informationen und können Ihre Teilnahme am Programm anfragen:

Kontaktieren Sie uns gern, wenn Sie Fragen zum Qualifizierungsprogramm VeränderungsMacher haben. Wir vom DAISEC sowie unsere Kollegen Dr. Marie Ritter and Darien Tartler von der TU Braunschweig unterstützen Sie gern.

Contact person

Nicole Bartodziej

Networking Coordinator

The program content for the ChangeMaker is developed and taught in cooperation with our partner Transformation Hub MIAMy . MIAMy is funded by the BMWK.

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