As DAISEC team, we combine diverse expertise and experience from the various specialist areas of our Core Partners, to provide comprehensive support to businesses and the public sector for digitization and the use of AI and cybersecurity technologies. In this series you will get to know us better.
Nicole Bartodziej is a research assistant at the Niedersächsischen Forschungszentrum für Fahrzeugtechnik (NFF) at the Technical University in Braunschweig. She completed her B.A. in Business Language at the University of Oppeln. Nicole is currently in the final stage of her interdisciplinary M.A. in Culture of the Technical-Scientific World with a specialization in the technical and natural sciences. She supports the DAISEC team in the field of networking and coordinates WP 5 "Innovation Ecosystem and Networking".

"My academic training gives me the ability to create a link between different fields of research and to understand different disciplines in context as a unit. This enables me to (inter)act in the midst of diverse work cultures, which can contribute to achieving technological progress in these areas."