The European Digital Innovation Hub for AI and Cybersecurity (DAISEC) is playing an important role in the development of an AI-supported chatbot that is intended to significantly simplify registration in the register of skilled crafts. Together with the Dortmund Chamber of Skilled Crafts and other partners, digitalisation in this area is being driven forward significantly. The first prototype will be presented this year.

On 15 August 2024, experts from DAISEC, including Walter Pirk, Julian Laue and Monty-Maximilian Zühlke, met with representatives from the Heinz Piest Institute for Skilled Crafts Technology (HPI), mib Management Institut Bochum GmbH and several chambers of skilled crafts to discuss the potential applications of artificial intelligence in the crafts sector. The kick-off event, which took place at the Dortmund Chamber of Skilled Crafts, marked the starting point for the concrete development of the new chatbot.

This AI-based assistant should not only speed up the registration process in the Register of Craftsmen, but also significantly improve user-friendliness and reduce potential errors. The development of the prototype, on which the DAISEC experts are working intensively, is a decisive step towards the further digitalisation of the skilled crafts sector.

In the long term, the use of such AI solutions could help to reduce bureaucratic hurdles and sustainably increase efficiency in the skilled crafts sector. DAISEC is thus once again emphasising its important role in promoting innovative technologies in the European context.

You can find out more about chatbots for chambers of skilled crafts in this article:

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