The Digital Innovation Hub for Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity has successfully applied for an i-Space label from the Big Data Value Association (BDVA).
i-Spaces are trusted data incubators that aim to accelerate the adoption of data-driven innovation in commercial sectors such as industry 4.0, logistics, e-commerce, media, aerospace, automotive, energy, agriculture and agribusiness, pharmaceuticals, as well as non-profit sectors (e-government, environment, public health, smart cities). The expected added value includes economic, societal as well as environmental dimensions.
With the BDVA's label it is ensured that the i-Space meets the requirements and the definition of the BDVA in both technical and organizational terms. The i-Space label is recognized as a quality label at European level. It compares the different initiatives in different categories. The label creates visibility for national Big Data efforts.
Receiving the silver i-Space label and the inclusion of the DIH4AISEC as i-Space underlines our efforts and will help us to connect with more partners, companies and European Digital Innovation Hubs.
The silver i-Space label was officially awarded to us on November 30, 2021 at the European Big Data Value Forum during the i-Spaces Ceremony. We would like to thank the BDVA for the award.