Eine komplett digitalisierte Fabrik, auch Smart Factory genannt, beschreibt eine durchgehend informationstechnisch vernetzte Fertigung. Durch den Einsatz verschiedener Technologien ist es möglich, dass sich einzelne Teile oder sogar ganze Fertigungsbereiche selbst organisieren, steuern und optimieren. In diesem Lernnugget erfahren Sie mehr dazu.

This learning nugget provides you with a structured approach to creating a digitalisation plan. This provides an overview of how digitalisation solutions can be implemented in your company.

In this learning nugget, you will find out why it is so important to deal with stress correctly, which types of stress can cause digital stress and where you can start to counteract it in your company.

In this learning nugget, you will find out what is meant by resources, which factors are considered resources when dealing with digital stress and where you can start to promote them in your company.

Data mining, RFID, Big Data - digitalisation is accompanied by many new terms. To help you keep an overview, we have created a glossary for you containing definitions and brief explanations of key terms.