Extracting information from technical media
Under carwatch.net, the technology provider Pumacy is developing a platform for analyzing technical and safety-related vehicle incidents. The EU project OVeC has developed an extractor that collects recall information from news articles.
Create a chatbot in 5 minutes
A chatbot on your website that can easily answer company-specific questions from users? It's possible and it's even quick. As an example, our AI and chatbot expert Julian Laue has created a chatbot for the Hanover Chamber of Crafts that is programmed to answer specific questions about the apprenticeship register and the vocational training contract.
Energieautarkie durch smarte Entscheidungen: Wie Burgwedel mit KI und Photovoltaik die Zukunft gestaltet
Die Gemeinde Burgwedel hat sich das Ziel gesetzt, energieautark zu werden – und setzt dabei auf Photovoltaikanlagen auf öffentlichen Gebäuden. Um die begrenzten Mittel effizient einzusetzen, hat der DAISEC eine KI-basierte Software entwickelt, die hilft, die besten Gebäude für die Investitionen zu identifizieren. Das Ergebnis: fundierte Entscheidungen, die nicht nur die Energieautarkie fördern, sondern auch der Bürgergenossenschaft einen profitablen Stromverkauf ermöglichen.
Overall Equipment Effectiveness with Artificial Intelligence
Using AI algorithms, all sensor readings available in a production line can be combined and converted into an easily interpretable number to locate production losses.
AI image generation as the key to efficiency
Many companies that develop products themselves know how time-consuming the design process can be. AI image generation models such as the Stable Diffusion software offer them the opportunity to design new products more efficiently, adapt existing items and meet individual customer requirements faster and more precisely.
Shaping the future: Targeted implementation of AI
AI offers companies and the public sector many opportunities to optimise processes and increase efficiency, but also brings with it complex challenges. It is often unclear which solutions make sense and which requirements are necessary. The development and implementation of an AI strategy can help here.
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Visualizing furniture with AI
Using the text-to-image generator Stable Diffusion, the carpentry workshop Dein Freund wants to create an image library of furniture designs as a basis for advising customers and designing furniture.