Create a company-specific chatbot in 5 minutes

A chatbot on your website that can easily answer company-specific questions from users? It's possible and it's even quick. As an example, our AI and chatbot expert Julian Laue has created a chatbot for the Hanover Chamber of Crafts that is programmed to answer specific questions about the apprenticeship register and the vocational training contract.

What is a chatbot?

A chatbot is a computer program that enables communication with people via text messages. It is programmed in such a way that it can answer questions or assist in conversations, similar to a human conversation partner. To do this, the chatbot analyzes the texts entered by users and generates suitable answers based on this. It uses artificial intelligence to understand the meaning of the request and formulate an appropriate response.

Chatbots can be used in a variety of ways: They can support customer service on websites by answering frequently asked questions or directing visitors to the right information. On social media, they can send automated responses to user queries or assist with orders and bookings. Companies use chatbots to automate processes and make communication with customers more efficient.

Tailor-made support: a chatbot for the Chamber of Skilled Crafts

With the help of the OpenAI developer platform, DAISEC AI expert Julian Laue has developed a chatbot that accesses additional information in the form of a PDF. This is necessary because the chatbot's knowledge is limited. By integrating additional information, the chatbot's knowledge can be expanded so that it can also answer specific questions and provide targeted help to users. In this way, the chatbot can be adapted to the individual needs of individual companies. "In this case, the chatbot answers questions about the apprenticeship role and the vocational training contract. It understands that this is its job and is presented with specific facts related to the question with each query. This concept can be transferred to guide a chatbot so that it can answer questions about prices, services and much more," explains Laue.

The settings for the chatbot can be made via the OpenAI "Playground".
No technical knowledge required: Quickly create a chatbot in minutes

Creating a chatbot with the OpenAI developer platform is easy and requires no technical knowledge. It can be done in just a few minutes.

Alternatively, a publicly available AI model can be used to reduce costs and gain greater control over the chatbot's behavior. However, this approach requires a significantly higher level of technical knowledge.

Anwendung für Unternehmen und Verwaltungen denkbar

In just a few minutes, companies or public institutions can set up a customized chatbot on their website that answers specific questions from users. As a prototype, AI expert Julian Laue has developed the Chatbot „HandwerksGPT“ for the Hanover Chamber of Crafts, which answers questions about the apprenticeship register and the vocational training contract. This chatbot accesses additional information in the form of PDFs via the OpenAI developer platform in order to expand its knowledge and meet individual company needs. Creation is quick and easy and requires no prior technical knowledge. A more cost-effective alternative is a publicly available AI model, but this requires more advanced technical skills.

The adaptation of the "HandwerksGPT" chatbot is particularly interesting for public institutions because it can be applied to various administrative processes in which citizens have to enter or retrieve information. It can significantly simplify the provision of information and support users in filling out forms.

Your DAISEC contact

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about how you can use chatbots in your company, we will be happy to help you get started with this pioneering technology.

Expert for Artificial Intelligence


The "HandwerksGPT" chatbot developed with the Braunschweig-Lüneburg-Stade, Hanover and Hildesheim-Südniedersachsen Chambers of Crafts could be used by the ODAV AG, an IT service provider, into its software solution for chambers of crafts.

Cooperation with chambers of trade and ODAV AG

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