Mit einem verbesserten Workflow zur Berechnung der Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) können alle in einer Produktionslinie verfügbaren Sensorwerte kombiniert und in eine leicht interpretierbare Zahl umgewandelt werden, um Produktionsverluste zu lokalisieren. Das Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hannover hat mit der Firma NovoAI UG ein entsprechendes Projekt erfolgreich umgesetzt.


In the wake of Industry 4.0 and more readily available sensors, many production lines have been automated. The readings from industrial sensors can now be accessed remotely and visualized on dashboards. Although the number of sensors is growing rapidly, it is becoming increasingly difficult to interpret the status of machines and the efficiency of production. The overwhelming number of sensors and the data they generate cannot be interpreted in a short time - making them unreadable and confusing even for experienced employees.


For the calculation of the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), knowledge about the product quality in manufacturing is required. The aim of this project is therefore to evaluate product quality by combining different sensor data and using artificial intelligence. For this purpose, time series data from SoftSensor technology and image data from industrial cameras are to be combined using an AI model.

(c) NovoAI UG
Project description

The proposed AI method uses neural networks to combine the available signals from two or more industrial sensors, making OEE calculations more accurate. First, the basic unimodal ("weak") models are trained. After training the "weak" models, these models are merged by combining the middle layers of the neural network. In this project, the focus was on merging acoustic emission signals and stereo vision signals.


The Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hannover is part of the Mittelstand-Digital network. The funding priority offers small and medium-sized enterprises comprehensive support for digitization with the Mittelstand-Digital Centers, the Initiative for IT Security in Business and Digital Jetzt. They benefit from concrete practical examples and tailored, vendor-neutral offers.

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Company Profile

NovoAI UG from Hanover is a small medium-sized company with currently four employees. The company produces devices for monitoring machine status as well as visualization dashboards for industrial use in companies from the production sector.

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