Development of an AI strategy
AI offers companies and the public sector many opportunities to optimise processes and increase efficiency, but also brings with it complex challenges. It is often unclear which solutions make sense and which requirements are necessary. The development and implementation of an AI strategy can help here.
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Shaping the future: Targeted implementation of AI
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) opens up numerous opportunities for companies and the public sector in addition to process optimisation, increased efficiency and optimised use of resources. However, the introduction of AI also brings with it new, complex challenges, as it is often unclear which solutions make sense and which prerequisites need to be created for implementation. An AI strategy can serve as a crucial basis for targeted implementation. As an example, an AI strategy for business consulting is being developed in a joint project with the Lower Saxony Chambers of Crafts.
Why an AI strategy?
One of the biggest challenges when using AI is to balance the various opportunities and risks, create the necessary conditions and at the same time maintain an overview of complex processes. An AI strategy can provide a structured framework to organise the use of AI in a targeted and effective manner. It offers the opportunity to fully utilise the potential of AI by defining clear goals and structuring the path to implementation. Such a strategy can secure competitive advantages, utilise resources efficiently and identify risks at an early stage.

An AI strategy for the business advisory services of the Lower Saxony chambers of crafts
In order to support skilled crafts businesses, the chambers of crafts offer counselling that covers business management, innovative and technological issues. This advice includes a thorough analysis of the current situation, the development of long-term goals and measures as well as support in their implementation. AI could help to make the internal process of business consulting more efficient, optimise knowledge management and establish uniform standards.
Together with the chambers of crafts in Lower Saxony, we are therefore developing an exemplary AI strategy for business counselling. The aim of the project is to use AI to organise the advisory process in the chambers of crafts in Lower Saxony in a resource-efficient manner and to identify suitable AI technologies and their prerequisites for implementation.
To develop the AI strategy, we first analyse existing business processes and identify potential for the use of AI technologies. As part of the project, the project team receives valuable suggestions and insights from our DAISEC experts, who highlight possible applications of AI in business consulting. The ideas are developed and discussed in workshops. Additional ideas come from the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hannover.
The AI technologies under consideration are then concretised using detailed profiles. These profiles are used to evaluate the potential AI technologies in terms of their expected benefits and costs. As part of a final workshop, these are categorised and concretised taking specific factors into account. Based on the classification, the measures are jointly prioritised and recorded in the final AI strategy.
The project is also being scientifically supported by the Heinz Piest Institute (HPI) for Craft Technology at Leibniz Universität Hannover. The HPI is one of five research and service organisations that make up the Deutsches Handwerksinstitut e. V. (DHI) and is a core partner in DAISEC.
Your DAISEC contact
If you have any questions or would like to find out more about how an AI strategy can help your company or organisation, please contact us.

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