DAISEC is part of various networks and collaborations that aim to promote the topics of digitalization, artificial intelligence and cyber security in Germany and the European Union. 


DAISEC has been an official associated partner of EUH4D since 01.01.2022. The European Federation of Data Driven Innovation Hubs aims to establish itself as a European reference for data-driven innovation and experimentation, to promote collaboration between data-driven initiatives in Europe, to bundle solutions in a global common catalog of data services and to share data across borders and sectors.

CYBERsicher – Cybersecurity transfer office for SMEs

The Cybersecurity Transfer Office for SMEs supports small and medium-sized enterprises, craft businesses and start-ups free of charge in preventing, detecting and responding to cyberattacks. Through information and qualification formats, numerous events throughout Germany, a detection and response platform for cyber attacks and a broad network of partners, we want to increase the level of cyber security in SMEs and thus make German SMEs more resilient.

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Hannover Messe - Gespräch vereinbaren

Vereinbaren Sie ein kostenloses Orientierungsgespräch mit unseren ExpertInnen direkt vor Ort auf der HANNOVER MESSE. Wählen Sie aus den untenstehenden Terminen Ihre Interessen aus. Wir treten anschließend mit Ihnen in Kontakt und vereinbaren eine konkrete Uhrzeit.

On which day of the fair and on which topic would you like to arrange a meeting?

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