DAISEC brings together leading international expertise in the fields of artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, manufacturing, mobility and crafts. Together with the associated partners, the core partners form a well-networked consortium to offer you a comprehensive and modern range of services and consulting.

Core Partners

L3S Research Center

The L3S Research Center is coordinator of the DAISEC. It is a joint institution of Leibniz University Hannover and Technische Universität Braunschweig with about 200 scientists from various disciplines focusing on basic and application-oriented research in the areas of artificial intelligence, security, and networked systems. The core application areas of the L3S include intelligent production and mobility. As one of two German BDVA Innovation Spaces and as an IDSA Center of Excellence, L3S supports the activities of the Big Data Value Association and the International Dataspaces Association, including researching industrial applications of Big- Data, testing Big-Data applications, and developing recommendations and strategies for business, policy, and society.

Production Technology Center Hanover

The Production Technology Center Hannover consists of eight stand-alone institutes of the Leibniz Universität Hannover with more than 280 scientific employees who teach and research on the technical aspects of production technology. Due to its broad technical base, the Production Technology Center is able to cover the entire process chain of production, from the material to the finished product. In numerous projects, methods and technologies for the digital transformation of production (Industry 4.0) have been and are being researched at the Production Technology Center institutes.

Lower Saxony Research Center for Automotive Engineering

The Lower Saxony Research Center for Automotive Engineering is one of the most modern centers for mobility research at a German university and focuses on promising topics in vehicle and traffic engineering research. Based on the existing social, ecological and economic requirements for the development of vehicle-related technologies and usage models, the Lower Saxony Research Center for Automotive Engineering has developed the vision of Sustainable Mobility. This vision is implemented in five scientific research fields and is intended to sustainably ensure individual mobility needs in metropolitan areas.

CISPA - Helmholtz Center for Information Security

The CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security is a national large-scale research institution within the Helmholtz Association. It researches information security in all its facets. Through continuous growth, CISPA has the necessary critical mass of scientists to comprehensively and holistically address the pressing grand challenges of cybersecurity and data protection research that our society is facing in the age of digitalization.

IT Services GmbH Emsland

IT-Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH Emsland (it.emsland) is an economic development organization that helps small and medium-sized enterprises in Emsland meet the challenges posed by digitalization. It offers a wide range of services on topics such as data-driven business models, IT security/IT law, cloud computing, and supports companies in the region in their decision-making processes. it.emsland also operates the "IT-Zentrum Lingen", a technology and start-up center with over 20 IT companies, coordinates the regional IT company networks and is active in funding measures such as the nationwide funding initiative Mittelstand Digital.

Heinz Piest Institute for Skilled Crafts Technology

The Heinz Piest Institute (HPI) for Skilled Trade Technology at the Leibniz University Hannover is one of five research and service institutes in the German Skilled Crafts Institute (DHI). These institutions work nationwide and together cover the spectrum of technology, business administration, economics, law and vocational education in the skilled crafts sector. The Heinz-Piest-Institut was founded in 1950 as the "Handwerkstechnisches Institut" and is responsible for the areas of technology and qualification in the skilled crafts sector.

Institute for Vocational Education and Adult Education

The Institute for Vocational Education and Adult Education (IfBE), Chair of Education in Adulthood, at LUH is a university research and teaching institution that deals theoretically, empirically and practically/developmentally with vocational and workplace education and training. In that manner the diverse individual, institutional and social aspects of learning and education in adulthood are an essential part, whereby the digitalisation of vocational learning processes representing an overarching focus of research and development.

Mittelstand Digital Centre Hanover

The Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hannover supports small and medium-sized enterprises free of charge and individually in their digitalization efforts. With the help of introductory events, company meetings, workshops and digitization projects we identify your digital potential and work together to develop tailor-made solutions for your company.

Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Lingen.Münster.Osnabrück

The Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Lingen.Münster.Osnabrück supports small and medium-sized companies free of charge and as needed in their digital transformation.

With the help of discussions, knowledge impulses, workshops and digitalization projects, the experts develop new business models together with the companies and enable sustainable development. In doing so, the center provides support in the following areas in particular: Data & Trends, Strategy & Innovation, Technology and Ability to Change - with a focus on rural areas.

Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Handwerk

With more than one million businesses, the skilled crafts sector is a central part of the German economy. The pronounced customer orientation is a special quality feature of the skilled crafts sector and is reflected in the individuality of the skilled crafts products and services. As a result of the digital transformation, it is now increasingly possible for industry to manufacture its products and services on a customized basis and thus to serve the classic market segments of the skilled crafts sector, causing increased competitive pressure. In order to help skilled crafts businesses survive in the market, the Competence Center Digitales Handwerk informs entrepreneurs and executives from the skilled crafts throughout Germany about the possible uses of digital technologies in their businesses and provides assistance in implementing them in practice.

Associated Partners

Supporting Partners

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