In addition to many global players and hidden champions, the business region Lower Saxony is home to a strong, internationally active small and medium-sized enterprise sector.
The Hannover-Braunschweig-Göttingen-Wolfsburg metropolitan region in particular is a leading German industrial region in the fields of production and mobility and also has a large skilled crafts sector.

Competitive companies

Although the industrial sectors in Lower Saxony are often dominated by large companies such as Volkswagen, they are at the same time significantly influenced by a large medium-sized supplier industry. Lower Saxony's mobility sector alone provides more than 600,000 jobs, 70 % of them in SMEs. This makes Lower Saxony Germany's number 1 in automotive manufacturing.

In order to remain competitive, there is an increasing demand in the manufacturing, mobility, and skilled crafts sectors for the adoption of advanced AI technologies, as well as the need for increased cybersecurity.

Expertise for the region

DAISEC combines leading international expertise in the fields of Artificial Intelligence ( L3S Research Center), Cybersecurity ( CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security), Production ( Production Technology Center Hanover PZH), Mobility ( Lower Saxony Research Center for Automotive Engineering NFF) and Crafts ( Heinz Piest Institute for Skilled Crafts Technology HPI).

We are building on and expanding the work of the established Mittelstand Digital Centers in Hanover and Lingen, which are coordinated by our core partners.

As a result, our hub fits into the existing digital innovation landscape in Lower Saxony and expands and complements the range of services offered by the Mittelstand Digital Centers to reach a larger number of SMEs and give them the opportunity to deploy cutting-edge AI and Cybersecurity technologies.

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