From September 2024 we will be offering together with our partner Transformation Hub MIAMy the exciting qualification program ChangeMaker for employees of small and medium-sized companies. In five practice-oriented modules, participants acquire essential skills to actively drive (digital) change in the company and prepare themselves optimally for the working world of tomorrow.

The change makers act as bridge builders between colleagues and managers by providing support during change processes and offering valuable advice as experts.

The program lasts approximately six months and comprises the following modules:

  • From vision to innovation: creative navigation of objectives with agile design thinking techniques.
  • Shaping change processes: Promoting motivation and learning processes as well as resolving resistance through Motivational Interviewing.
  • Look and Feel: Practical experience with future technologies through keynote speeches and practical exercises.
  • Agile learning: Intensive examination of the topic of learning in the current world of work, supported by artificial intelligence.
  • Sharing successes: Consolidating project successes, transferring them into measures and ensuring sustainability.

The training starts with a kick-off event on site in Braunschweig, further dates are arranged individually with the change makers. In addition to the modules, the participants implement an accompanying project in which they directly apply what they have learned. An IHK certification can be obtained as an option.

Interested? Find out more about the program and free registration here!

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