This year's annual conference of the expert information services (FIS) of the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH) took place on June 3 and 4, 2024 in Hanover in cooperation with DAISEC. The two-day event was attended by 36 experts.
The first day was opened by Miriam Schulze from the ZDH and Walter Pirk from DAISEC on the premises of Leibniz Universität Hannover. Yannik Fuhs from BMWK presented an overview of trade promotion, followed by a presentation on current trends in artificial intelligence by Dr. Daniel Kudenko, Managing Director of DAISEC, which led to intensive discussions on energy consumption.
In the following station run, trade-specific technologies were presented in practice, including fields of application for artificial intelligence. The DAISEC experts gave the participants insights into their specialist areas: Monty Zühlke and Julian Laue on ChatGPT, Lukas Fischer on Stable Diffusion, Ulli Holtgrave on cyber security and Karl Hilbig and Marjan Goutier on 3D printing.
In the afternoon, the focus of the event was on approaches to software selection and the results of a survey on AI company projects, presented by Hermann Pook from the HPI's Central Office for Technology Transfer.
The second day of the annual conference began at the SCALE research building in Garbsen with a welcome from Walter Pirk and Dr Michael Rehe, Head of the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hannover. The participants were then given an insight into the "Digital Twin in Production" in a keynote speech by Dr. Thomas Lepper. The second station run that followed offered live demonstrations on networked production and tracking the CO2 footprint. The mobile factory was presented by DAISEC expert Leonie Hormig.
At the end, the participants reflected on the insights gained and discussed opportunities for cooperation. The FIS Annual Conference 2024 demonstrated the successful cooperation in the innovation system of the skilled crafts sector and offered valuable insights into future technologies relevant to the skilled crafts sector.