In close cooperation with the chambers of skilled crafts in Lower Saxony, DAISEC is developing and implementing an innovative AI strategy to make the chambers fit to provide more resource-efficient advice to skilled crafts businesses.

The targeted use of AI offers numerous opportunities to optimize operational structures and processes. However, the use of AI can also present challenges: The diverse potentials and risks of the technology must be reconciled while maintaining an overview of complex processes. An AI strategy can help here. It provides a structured framework for defining clear goals and managing the use of AI in a targeted manner. This enables trade businesses to secure competitive advantages, use resources efficiently and identify risks at an early stage.

Our aim is to use AI to make the chambers of skilled trades' business consulting services more resource-efficient, optimize knowledge management and establish uniform standards.

The Heinz Piest Institute for Craft Technology (HPI) is providing scientific support for the project. The team is also receiving valuable input from the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hannover. To find out how we are specifically identifying AI technologies to advance skilled trade businesses, please click here.

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