As of this week, you can find the Learning nuggetson our website as part of our e-learning offer, which are created in cooperation with the Mittelstand-Digital-Zentrum Hannover. The nuggets offer you the opportunity to acquire new knowledge on digital topics or refresh your existing knowledge in just a few minutes of self-study. You can design your learning session individually, as you can use the offer independent of time and place. 

The Learning Nuggets cover various topics from the fields of AI, cyber security and digitalization. You can also virtually get to know the functions of the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum's Mobile Factory, which offers digitization solutions and demonstrators for intelligent manufacturing that you can try out and experience in person. And if you would like to visit the Mobile Factory live, you can attend one of its roadshows - the dates can be found click here.  

Click here to view our Learning Nuggets. Have fun learning and trying them out!

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Vereinbaren Sie ein kostenloses Orientierungsgespräch mit unseren ExpertInnen direkt vor Ort auf der HANNOVER MESSE. Wählen Sie aus den untenstehenden Terminen Ihre Interessen aus. Wir treten anschließend mit Ihnen in Kontakt und vereinbaren eine konkrete Uhrzeit.

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