Workshops on AI tools, chatbots & digitalization at the Dortmund Chamber of Skilled Crafts and practical impulses for vocational training inspire participants.
Practical examples of the use of AI in companies? Together with our core partner NFF, we are now offering you exciting insights - in the “TechTalks” video format.
Associations and organizations now have the opportunity to promote their members in the field of artificial intelligence with tailor-made DAISEC offers.
To make it easier for them to assess the potential for the possible use of AI in skilled trades companies, consultants from various skilled trades organizations were given an insight into the topic. The three-day event in Hanover focused on the theory and practical application of AI.
In close cooperation with the chambers of crafts in Lower Saxony, DAISEC is developing and implementing an innovative AI strategy to make the chambers fit to provide more resource-efficient advice to skilled crafts businesses. The targeted use [...]
DAISEC is now offering exclusive, free training courses, knowledge events and services in the field of cyber security for associations and organizations.

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