The DAISEC team introduces itself: Nicole Bartodziej is a research assistant at the Lower Saxony Research Center for Automotive Engineering and supports the DAISEC team in the area of networking and coordinates WP5 "Innovation Ecosystem and Networking".
In our latest practical example, AI expert Julian Laue has developed a chatbot for the Handwerkskammer Hannover that is programmed to answer specific questions about the apprenticeship register and the vocational training contract.
On 28.04.2024 we were guests at our core partner Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hannover for our DAISEC team meeting in Garbsen. Among other things, we visited the center's mobile factory.
DAISEC will become a cooperation partner of KI.WI. and will contribute in the future its expertise and services to the KI network of the Hannover economic region.
Designing products and customizing the design is time-consuming. In our latest practical example, we show you how you can easily create and change new product designs with AI image generation.
Der DAISEC ist vom 22. - 26. April auf der Hannover Messe 2024. Sie finden uns am Stand F09 in Halle 16. Kommen Sie vorbei und informieren Sie sich über Digitalisierung, Cybersicherheit & KI für Ihr Unternehmen - kostenlos mit unserem Ticketcode für den gesamten Messezeitraum.

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