The DAISEC is one of 16
European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) in Germany that are co-financed through the Digital Europe
program. Across Europe, this includes more than 150 initiatives that can be grouped together in the European Digital Innovation Hubs Network.
The focus of the hubs is on supporting small and medium-sized enterprises in particular, as well as the public sector, in their digital transformation.
EDIH Allianz Norddeutschland
Together with other European Digital Innovation Hubs in northern Germany, we have established the EDIH Alliance Northern Germany. We hold regular meetings with the participating hubs to exchange information about our work as EDIHs and discuss collaboration opportunities. In this way, we strengthen the innovative power of our SMEs and start-ups in northern Germany across state borders. über die Bundesländergrenzen hinweg.
The European Digital Innovation Hub Schleswig-Holstein, based in Kiel, focuses on the following areas:
- Technology and innovation management
- Data & Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Interoperability (networking of hard- and software systems)
- Information Security (Cybersecurity)
- Internet of Things (IoT) & Sensor Technology
- Digitalization skills (e.g. process design, work 4.0)
The EDIH for Urban Interconnected Supply and Value Ecosystems in Hamburg, EDIH4UrbanSAVE or EDIHHamburg for short, offers support for questions on general digitization topics as well as cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, distributed infrastructure to high performance computing.
The hub focuses on the Hamburg metropolitan region as an important European logistics and business location and award-winning "Smart City".
German Automotive Corridor
The German Automotive Corridor was created in the context of the European Digital Innovation Hubs EDIHs, in which the DAISEC from Lower Saxony is joined by EDIHs from other automotive regions such as Baden-Württemberg, Saarland and Bavaria.
The EDIHs in the Automotive Corridor aim to provide targeted support to local companies and institutions from the automotive sector by exchanging and communicating strategies, findings and practical offers.
The European Digital Innovation Hub Southwest (EDIH Southwest) is the central point of contact in the southwest of Baden-Württemberg to support companies, the public sector and start-ups in responding dynamically to digital challenges and remaining competitive.
EDIH Südwest is part of the German Automotive Corridor.
EDIH Saarland pursues the goal of actively and sustainably driving forward the digital transformation in Saarland and the Greater Region (Saar-Lor-Lux) .
For this purpose, it offers tailor-made and free services on the topics of digitalization, AI and IT security for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), mid-caps, start-ups and public institutions in Saarland and the Greater Region.
EDIH Saarland is part of the German Automotive Corridor.
The EDIH DIBI network (Digital Innovations for Bavarian Industry) is a specialized network as part of the EDIHs. It focuses on supporting manufacturing companies, SMEs, start-ups and public organizations in Bavaria. The aim of EDIH DIBI is to stimulate, enable and accelerate digital innovations.
EDIH dibi is part of the German Automotive Corridor.
Further EDIH partners
DAISEC is linked to other digital transformation initiatives in various sectors across Europe via the EDIH network. We also have a special exchange with some European Digital Innovation Hubs - we work particularly close with them to provide you with the best possible service for the digital future.
AI5production is one of 4 Austrian EDIHs. The hub, which is coordinated by the Pilot Factory at TU Wien, offers Austrian manufacturing companies extensive services in the field of digitalization free of charge.
These four major topics are addressed by AI5production: Digital Design, Digital Manufacturing, Cybersecurity and AI for Industry 5.0.