Dr. Linda Meyer-Veltrup (ZLS) und Dr. Daniel Kudenko (Geschäftsführer DAISEC)) schüttel Hände vor dem DAISEC Roll-up

With its high innovation potential, the skilled crafts sector is a future-oriented driver of sustainable growth. Small craft enterprises in particular face numerous challenges that they are often unable to overcome on their own due to their structure. In order to support craft enterprises in meeting these challenges and to sustainably strengthen their innovative strength and thus their performance and competitiveness, there is a nationwide and specialized information, consulting and technology transfer network, the Innovation and Technology Officers (BIT). In addition to advising companies, a core element is the monitoring and transfer of technological developments, for example through cooperation with scientific partners from universities and research institutes.

Digital services and business models have long shaped wide areas of value creation and will continue to gain in importance in the future. The Central Office for Technology Transfer in the Skilled Crafts (ZLS), in its function as scientific support for the BIT network, would also like to promote practicable approaches to solutions in this area through targeted cooperation with research partners. For this reason, we are very pleased to have gained them as a new cooperation partner.

For the future, we are planning joint events and a mutual exchange of expert knowledge in order to be able to offer tailored solutions for craft businesses in the areas of AI and cybersecurity.

We are looking forward to a good cooperation in the hub!

 (Picture: Dr. Linda Meyer-Veltrup (ZLS) and Dr. Daniel Kudenko (Managing Director DAISEC)) 

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