As DAISEC team, we combine diverse expertise and experience from the various specialist areas of our Core Partners, to provide comprehensive support to businesses and the public sector for digitization and the use of AI and cybersecurity technologies. In this series you will get to know us better.

Leonie Hormig completed her master's degree in economics at Leibniz University Hannover in 2022. Her studies focused on profound social, economic and ecological challenges, such as those arising from the digitalization of markets and societies. Parallel to her studies, Leonie worked, among other things, in human resources development, with the aim of ensuring the availability of specialists and managers. At DAISEC, she is now an expert for digital learning content.

"It has always been important to me to use the knowledge I learned in my studies as well as my practical experience to make a positive contribution to society. Through DAISEC, I have the opportunity to support Lower Saxony companies in strengthening their competitiveness as well as technology and knowledge transfer and to make them fit for the future."


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Hannover Messe - Gespräch vereinbaren

Vereinbaren Sie ein kostenloses Orientierungsgespräch mit unseren ExpertInnen direkt vor Ort auf der HANNOVER MESSE. Wählen Sie aus den untenstehenden Terminen Ihre Interessen aus. Wir treten anschließend mit Ihnen in Kontakt und vereinbaren eine konkrete Uhrzeit.

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