At the conference "Fit for Change" organized by the Mittelstand Digital Zentrum and IG Metall on September 29 in Frankfurt am Main, it became clear that artificial intelligence and digital helpers can increase the attractiveness of skilled trades and counteract the shortage of skilled workers.

At the conference, the DAISEC, in cooperation with the Mittelstand Digital Zentrum Handwerk, presented various AI technologies that could be of interest to craft businesses. Among the AI models presented was Stable Diffusion, an image generation model capable of generating realistic images based on text descriptions. For instance, this model can help carpentry businesses quickly create visualizations of furniture and fixtures, as we have already shown with our Carpentry projects . Such AI-supported applications can make work in the skilled trades more efficient and attractive. Overall, our experts Walter and Julian showed with their presentation how AI technologies can support the skilled trades and even enable new business models.

The use of virtual reality for career guidance at the Chamber of Skilled Crafts Frankfurt-Rhein-Main was also met with a great response. The VR glasses provide a realistic insight into the skilled trades and can make it easier to inspire young people to take up the relevant training.

The conference impressively showed that AI and digital technologies are important helpers in countering the shortage of skilled workers in the skilled trades. They make manual tasks easier, increase productivity and make skilled trades more attractive to young people. In this way, they represent a forward-looking way of maintaining the competitiveness and innovative strength of craft enterprises in Germany.

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