As part of the „Digitalisierungsmanager, inkl. KI und Cybersicherheit“ qualification program, entrepreneurs and managers deepen their knowledge in the areas of digitalization, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. The program consists of four online training modules and one face-to-face event.

The face-to-face event took place on August 27, 2024 in cooperation with the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hannover at the Produktionstechnisches Zentrum Hannover. The focus was on topics such as the digital twin and networked production. A keynote speech and live demonstrations, including the mobile factory and the demonstrator “Tracking the CO2 footprint with the digital twin” from the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hannover, gave participants practical insights into possible applications for their companies.

Afterwards, ideas were developed for implementation in their own company and challenges faced by companies were discussed. The modules on business processes and cyber security will take place on September 3 and 12.

Read more about the program kick-off here:

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